Easy to bake Chocolate Chips Cookies

I started baking way back in high school as part of our Home Economics class and I must say that I truly enjoyed doing it. I wasn’t able to practice after that since I pretty much live a sedentary lifestyle. One good thing about this ECQ is that your unrequited love for your old hobby canContinueContinue reading “Easy to bake Chocolate Chips Cookies”

Ben’s Cookies: From London to its third branch in The Philippines in SM Mall of Asia

London’s famous cookie is now in Manila and what makes me giddy is that they’re now in the South near me. https://www.flickr.com/photos/186966811@N03/49689880482/in/dateposted-public/ Ben’s Cookies started as a stall in Oxford in 1983. Founded by cookery writer and chocoholic Helge Rubenstein, she named it after her son Ben and now this stall grew bigger and biggerContinueContinue reading “Ben’s Cookies: From London to its third branch in The Philippines in SM Mall of Asia”