Easy to bake Chocolate Chips Cookies

I started baking way back in high school as part of our Home Economics class and I must say that I truly enjoyed doing it. I wasn’t able to practice after that since I pretty much live a sedentary lifestyle. 

One good thing about this ECQ is that your unrequited love for your old hobby can be fulfilled again.

It started when I keep seeing all Chocolate Chip Cookies on my feeds and I drool and figured, I must do one for me and my Atreu. 

It’s been a while so, I know I needed some refresher. Well, at this age and time, everything is on the internet, trust me, you can do ANYTHING. You just have to trust yourself. I least, that’s what I keep on telling myself. 😀 

Let me tell you that I tried twice for me to get the one that suits what I liked. I tried the basic western recipe but I find it too sweet. It might have something to do with the sugar. 

Chocolate Chips

Chocolate Chips

Chocolate Chips

Chocolate Chips

1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp salt
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 and 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1 cup bittersweet chocolate chunks

I placed it in the over for about 10 – 12 minutes in 180C. 

Again, this recipe is probably not good for us living in the Philippines as this is too sweet. I love sweet, but this is way too sweet. So, I decided to make another one to which I omitted the granulated sugar and replaced it with chocolates instead. 

Chocolate Chips

Chocolate Chips

Chocolate Chips

With this new recipe, it has the right amount of sweetness and I also learned that you must not over bake your cookies. Otherwise, it will be crispier which you won’t like.  It would also help if you will rest your dough for an hour or so before baking. Place it in the fridge to let it cool down a bit. Some people leave it there overnight. But I know, it’s hard for me to do this, too. 😀

There’s a lot of other ways to do this and I promise I won’t stop until I get the right cookie for me. It’s just so amazing that I get to bake one that my daughter really likes. Baking is indeed addicting, especially when there’s someone asking for more. 😀 

Here’s the video for more detailed information.

and Happy Baking! 🙂


Published by Anj

Foodie. Adventurer. Music Festival Enthusiast. Frustrated Musician. Mommy.

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